Step 2. Creating Psychological Safety

Creating psychological safety is necessary to build a perfect team.

If people don't feel safe in a meeting, they will not perform at their best.

If you have ever been in a situation in a group where you felt you would probably be criticized for expressing your opinion, even if someone asked you to share it, then you know what the opposite of psychological safety is and how much its absence prevents people from participating in the group process.

Ask yourself what makes you feel psychologically safe in a group setting. 

In the second step of the Perfect Team Model, you will create two ground rules/norms for interaction that create a team environment that foster psychological safety and thereby unlock the door to extraordinary team performance.

While this is not the only thing you have to do to ensure such extraordinary performance, it is an essential precursor to the other five steps of the Perfect Team Model, which collectively enable you as the leader to build the perfect team.